Wadi Rayan, just about a 90 minutes drive from down town Cairo, became one of my favorite spots. Sometimes
we just drove for a day trip into the dunes, but often we build up camp and spent the night in a wonderful
desert landscape.
You may visit the northern short of Lake Qarun (coming from Cairo on the Bahariya road, and then turn left), or
find your way from the Fayoum Oasis side (more and more difficult because of Check points and new
construction sites). The other alternative is to do a trip to the two artificial lakes south of Lake Qarun and then
further on about 40 clicks offroad to the famous "Valley of the Whales".
Both destinations are very interesting. The journey to the northern side of the lake, lead you through quite
rough passages. You have to watch out for the right way down, otherwise you will spend hours to find the
right tracks (many death ends). On the famous "booze trip" in 1998, we tried to do so at night .... what an
adventure. Finally we spent the night on a windy and rocky plateau ... and found the way down the next
morning after a couple of minutes. So watch out doing this trip for the first time.
You may take a look how to reach the Valley of the Whales, coming from the Cairo - Bahariya road. See
therefore Family trips.
Here some pics from the northern side of Lake Qarun. Famous for probably one of the oldest pharaonic road,
the Greek-Roman remains of Dimeh and tons of fossils (one of Africa's most interesting places) which can be
found here.
Please click on the pictures to enlarge.
Here some pictures from trips to the Valley of the Whales.