DESERT TRIPS 1997 - 2002
Saharastones was born end of 2001 in Cairo. I want to keep the memories of the last 4 years in Egypt
The best way to do so was building a website. I have had the chance to pend five years as an expat in
Cairo together with my family. I have learned to treasure and love something very special over there.
The Western Desert of Egypt !

There's probably no greater contrast than that between a loud, smelly and overpopulated metropolis
like Cairo with its estimated 15 to 18 million inhabitants, and the endless landscapes, the
peacefulness, the purity and isolation of the Egyptian Sahara. Take a look at the next pictures.
Specially in summer time the skyline of Cairo could be seen just through this "nice" yellow and grey
curtain of polluted air.
The necessity of escaping this metropolis every now and then actually must lead to the desert.
Approximately 95 % of Egypt's land is sand, rock and stones. There are not a lot of alternatives for
wilderness trips. Just as well. I have learned to appreciate the desert in its unique way.
Once out of "the mother of all cities", sceneries like below awaiting you. I think the pictures showing
the differences!
There is nothing better than getting 100 to 200 km behind you on a weekend to surf over the dunes,
take a bath in a pure desert lake, take in the endless horizon from a dune during the sunset (even
better with a cool beer or a bottle of good wine), and breath in the unreal peace. Nights by the fire
and falling asleep under the glittering stars are truly unforgettable experiences. Those who have
experienced this know what I mean.
Certainly getting a LandCruiser gave me the possibility to experience the desert on my own. Without
an off-road vehicle, many trips would of course be impossible. Here you can really use these cars for
what they were made for - Off road driving -. Also the respect you gain with such a car from smaller
members of the same species (for example Cairo Taxis and Minibuses) helps you to deal with the
nerve-racking daily stress of Cairo traffic ... But that is a completely different story.
I am convinced that every open-hearted, nature-loving person who has been in the Sahara will never
forget it, and that the urge to return will last a lifetime. At least it's so in my case. I'll be back !

Please click on desert trips to share a few of the countless memories from the past five years quickly
DESERT TRIPS 1997 - 2002
www.saharastones.com is: webmaster - tom stalder,
born 1965 in switzerland. living abroad as an expat
since 1997. actually based in ...
see new home on this page

my family: lucas gabriel, born 2003 in k.l., maria
angela, born 2000 in cairo, julia susan, born 1998 in
cairo, and my wife almaz, born 1968 in asmara.

thanks to be with me.